The overall aim of the NEET-Inclusion project is to exchange and contribute knowledge on how to include vulnerable young NEETs with special needs in the labour market. With particular focus on the very vulnerable NEET group of young people with ASD.
The project addresses how to help and enable these young NEETs to participate in the labour market by developing learning materials, tools, and resources for people and organizations involved and interested in this process. All inclusion resources are openly available on the website.
In context of the project, it refers to young autistic persons aged 17-29, who are outside the labour market and educational system.
In context of the project it is the process of creating occupation opportunities for the NEETs, aimed at participation in the labour market.
A neurological developmental disorder that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral differences from the norm. Sometimes referred to as just autism.
In cooperation the project partners contribute to the development and testing of the inclusion resources. The process is based on hands-on initiatives and experiences with inclusion of NEETs. Emphasis is also on involving the NEETs themselves in the development and evaluation process to further quality of the project output. As such it is a pilot-project in exploring methods for NEET-inclusion in this corporative fashion to be evaluated by cases of real-life implementation.
The project is primarily using occupation in green enterprise (such as hydroponic agriculture) as implementation of pilot-programs for the NEETs. Similarly, most of the inclusion resources derives from these experiences, with the aim to be developed for broader and more general use in other fields.
The partners of the project have been meeting in Denmark and Romania for workshops, on-location visits, and much more. It havs proven very benfitial and productive for the partners to meet eachother in real-life, not only the for the explicit project related work, but also by cross-cultural exchange of ideas, work methods, etc.