This section contains various resources about inclusion of young NEETs, primarily intended for personnel and other professionsals, who are engaged or interested in the NEET-inclusion method. It is recommended to use the resources as supplemental to the learning modules according to the themes.
Click here to jump to the learning modules .
Microgreens and Hydroponics
Introduction to microgreens and hydroponics, which plays a central role in the work with the NEETs.
Introduction to microgreens and hydroponics, which plays a central role in the work with the NEETs.
Inclusion tools and teacher’s toolkit
Teacherøs toolkit and generic versions of the inclusion tools presented in the corresponding learning module: Inclusion plan, Modular training layout, Training module design, and Training guide.
Teacherøs toolkit and generic versions of the inclusion tools presented in the corresponding learning module: Inclusion plan, Modular training layout, Training module design, and Training guide.
Examples of materials
Examples of how the inclusion tools are put to use in real-life project activities.
Examples of how the inclusion tools are put to use in real-life project activities.