Person J was active in the project 8 months. J attended the project group 3 days per week.
As an aspect of his developmental disorder, J has an extraordinary need for predictability and is best in small groups of people, as it requires a lot of effort to relate to other people.
The preparatory course showed how the composition of tasks is optimal for J. Where in some tasks J experiences a huge negative reaction and cannot perform tasks, while in other circumstances other tasks can be performed at a very high level corresponding to an average employee in a company. J’s challenges meant that despite a very high level of competence, he had never been in the labor market. No existing offer could have accommodated or retained J.
Mentoring, ongoing contacts with Nabo Farm, motivational work and understanding of the tasks were of great importance to J. Guides were not directly decisive for J, but in practice are believed to have helped with the learning curve at the beginning of the course. This is significant as the risk of dropout is greatest in the beginning and this was also J’s history with employment efforts.
J passed cargo bike training and was efficient in delivery tasks. The tasks J solved without colleagues gave J the energy to work with his colleagues to the necessary extent. J is assessed to have the necessary skills to solve the tasks inherent in transport and service in Nabo Farm.
J was offered work in Nabo Farm.
*All interns have given permission to share their stories. Specific details that would make interns easily identifiable in the stories are, however, deliberately not given or removed from the text in order to protect them. These are details such as real names, age, starting date and end date of internship, specific diagnosis or specific incidents.