The term NEET is short for ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training’.

A young NEET is defined as a 15-29 year old, who is disengaged from both work and education. This is established as an EU wide standard, making the term applicable across EU countries, including collection of statistical data. Official EU data on NEETs can be found on the Eurostat website  .

The aim of the NEET concept is to broaden the understanding of the vulnerable status of young people and to better monitor their problematic access to the labour market.

NEETs became central in policies set by the European Commission in 2010 regarding guidelines for the labour market. This also meant the creation of the youth guarantee! , which is a commitment by all member countries to ensure that all young people under the age of 30 receive a good quality offer of employment, education, apprenticeship or education within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving education. 

All NEETs share the status of not accumulating human capital through formal channels (by employment or education) and therefore have greater risk of future poor employment outcomes and social exclusion. However, the group of NEETs is very heterogeneous – meaning it covers different groupings of young people who are outside employment and education for different reasons. It spans the most privileged, who voluntarily are outside the labour force, to the most vulnerable who are far from being integrated in the labour market for various reasons.

In the context of the NEET-inclusion project the focus is on young NEETs with Autism Spectrum Disorder (or similar conditions), which is a particularly vulnerable sub-group of NEETs.

To learn more about NEETs check out the topic on Eurofound.


The Term ASD is short for ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder’.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental condition that is characterized by difficulties in social interactions and communication, repetitive behaviors, intense interests, and unusual responses to sensory stimuli.

ASD is also commonly referred to as autism. In the latest international classification system, ICD-11, means that ASD covers the entire spectrum of variations of autism, so classifications like Aspergers and infantile autism will no longer be used. Instead the diagnosis will be based on functionality of different perimeters. This emphasizes a broader understanding of autism, and cater to a more individual profile.

ASD covers a wide variety of people. Some with high functionality and success in the labor market, and some with very low functionality that are virtually impossible to integrate in the labor market. And then there is the large middle group who potentially have functionality and skills to perform in certain jobs and tasks in the labour market, but rarely find a way to fulfill that potential. This is the group of particular interest in this context of NEETs-Inclusion.

To learn more about autism check out the Autism Europe site.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the NEETs-Inclusion project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amnon Yechiely