This section contains links to external resources about the project’s topic. In the last box there are links to other related Erasmus+ projects.
The European Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
The Reinforced Youth GuaranteeCommitment by all EU Member States to ensure that all young people under the age of 30 receive a good quality offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship, or traineeship within aperiod of four months of becomming unemployed or leaving education.
EurostatThe statistical office of the European Union. Search for “NEET” to get official EU data and information.
WikipediaWiki with some general information about NEETs and many links for further readings.
The World Health Organization’s fact sheets about ASD
Autism EuropeAutism-Europe is an international association whose main objective is to advance the rights of autistic people and their families and to help them improve their quality of life. It ensures effective liaison among almost 90 member autism organisations from 40 European countries.
EucapThe European Council of Autistic People is an umbrella organisation for autistic-led organisations in Europe. EUCAP aims to promote the welfare of autistic people in Europe through participation in public discourse, by networking and engaging with decision-making bodies, and by supporting co-operation between autistic-led groups across borders. There are 25 member organizations from 17 countries.
WikipediaWiki with general information about ASD and many links for further readings.
IVEA (Innovative Vocational Education for Autism)
The project aims at fostering social inclusion of people with autism through employment by developing a European holistic guide (2018-2021).
Youth in transitionThe project aims to improve the scaffolding of the most endangered sub-group of the NEETs on their pathways. These “young people on the edge” are characterized by a complexity of personal and social difficulties, caused by psychological diagnoses, socially disadvantaged backgrounds, abuse, drugs, crime or other burdens (2018-2021).
WIN-WITH-UThe project aims to improve the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in the working system by raising the employers’ awareness about the issue through provision of targeted training and by supporting people on the spectrum in their job-searching process towards employment (2020-2023).
Train-ASDThe project aims to empower specialist teachers and other professionals to support the effective inclusion of children on the autism spectrum in education by providing them with vocational training on alternative systems of communication (2018-2020).
Green ASC VET – MetautismThe project aims at promoting the inclusive employment of autistic people through vocational education and trainings tailored to autistic people’s needs by using extended reality technologies (2023- )
IPA+ (Autism-training for inclusion)The project aims to develop a specialized training model for professionals asas a basic training of reference for all professionals working with people on the autism spectrum – independently of their area of knowledge – which responds to the aforementioned gaps, the demands of the society in general and of this group of population and their families.
ESIPP (Equity and Social Inclusion through Positive Parenting)The project aims to helping parents to understand their children with autism and to effectively manage their behaviour will have significant benefits regarding social inclusion, quality of life, educational achievement, employment and equality of opportunity (2015-2018).
JoTraDi (Job trainers for people with intellectual disabilities and ASD)The project aims to enhance the full inclusion of people with disabilities in society through employment, based on a successful programme for inclusion at work led in Reggio Emilia, Italy (2013-2015).
Transform Autism EducationThe project aims to gather a community of researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the UK, Italy and Greece to research current educational practices in autism in those respective contexts and to create professional development programmes in Greece and Italy (2014-2020)