Understanding ASD

This module is an introduction to ASD. To give a broader understanding of what ASD means, and how it effects central aspects of life.


The concept of neurodiversity as a broad perspective on ASD, and diversity at the workplace.

what is ASD (part 1)

The typical characteristics of ASD as a diagnosis.

what is ASD (part 2)

ASD as a wide spectrum. Diagnosing and treatment.

Sensory integration

The effect of ASD on how the senses work, and what it means for everyday life.

Social communication

The effect of ASD on communication with other people, and what it means for the social life.

Social interaction

The effect of ASD on interacting with other people, and what it means for navigating the social world.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the NEETs-Inclusion project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

site design and development -
Amnon Yechiely