Person Y was active in the project 6 months. Y attended the project group 4 days per week.
Y had experience from the labour market, but had dropped out due to circumstances related to the developmental disorder. From the start, the primary focus was on increasing the structure of working life and reducing stress responses.
Y used guides to learn all workflows much faster and more independently than otherwise realistic. Y experienced that guides helped to control thoughts and provide a structure in the work task, which is difficult to create in some developmental disorders. This meant less stress and relevant introduction to a more structured working method that enables Y to learn to learn.
Y learned to drive a cargo bike and handle transport tasks. Y have helped with the development of guides and have taken great responsibility for introducing guides and tasks and practical testing of guides for other peers. Y helped with ongoing adjustments in guides, based on the practical experience. Among other things, Y also helped develop shorter guides, as it was assessed that there was a need for shorter and less detail-oriented guides if Y wanted people to continue to use guides as sticky notes after they had gained experience and mastered the task.
Y can handle all types of tasks in NF that have been tested in the project. Y performed at a high level at Nabo Farm and after the preparatory course would be able to perform tasks at Nabo Farm without extraordinary amount of training or support. To develop further Y will benefit from help to gradually become more structured in all aspects of working life. These competencies exist within Nabo Farm and can to a large extent be lifted through general collegial sparring, if the staff is made aware of the need in a thorough handover.
*All interns have given permission to share their stories. Specific details that would make interns easily identifiable in the stories are, however, deliberately not given or removed from the text in order to protect them. These are details such as real names, age, starting date and end date of internship, specific diagnosis or specific incidents.