Pilot Description

Internships were established in the NEETs-Inclusion project for people in the beneficiery group and a project group was set up that continuously consisted of 5-7 people incl. staff.  People in the target group attended and worked at the physical base 2-4 times a week, over periods of between 5-12 months.

Project group meetings were held with a focus on achieving motivation for the larger environmental purpose and learning the use of guides and feedback on guides. As well as learning to participate in meetings, practical planning of work tasks, etc. During the meetings, motivation was worked on through continuous focus on a common understanding of the higher environmental purpose of hydroponic cultivation, opportunities for dissemination of the project, understanding of the importance of own tasks, and more.

All interns received mentoring in relation to the labor market. This was done partly around common themes in plenary and partly on the basis of individual challenges. We worked with social skills from their own starting point through e.g. observations of social interaction in everyday life, observations about the ability to participate in meetings, observations about the ability to plan work tasks, observations about interaction with colleagues, observations about punctuality, observations about understanding expectations in a workplace, etc. as well as observations of other specific behaviors that could be problematic in a workplace and thus constitute a barrier. 

All beneficiaries in the project group performed routine tasks within hydroponic farming, and were trained through the developed guides during practical execution of e.g. transport, harvesting and cleaning. Supported by peers or mentors.  Everyone visited NaboFarm on several occasions, and many in the group solved tasks in practice at NaboFarm next to existing personnel. Many underwent training in cycling cargo bikes, in order to solve the task of picking up and delivering sprouts from NaboFarm. As well as to achieve a general clarification of working ability and as a way to be in  contacts with NaboFarm before working in their production. 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the NEETs-Inclusion project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

site design and development -
Amnon Yechiely